

A connected customer is an empowered customer. With CPaaS, it’s all about connectivity, integration and great digital engagement.

Access to information is changing the way companies engage with customers. Today’s connected customers are more knowledgeable than ever.  People have information at their finger tips, with just the click of a button. They want products and services at the lowest price, and with the most features. When customers are doing their research online, 甚至在他们联系你之前, it means you have to figure out how to get ahead of the game.

It’s clear that the conversation between the consumer and the company is changing. 同时, while General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and other policies are regulating how private data is used, customers still want to be treated like real people and that is changing the way companies invest in digital engagement solutions.

Businessmen on mobile phones in convention center

In the past, communications were fairly straight-forward. A phone and answering machine were pretty much all that were needed to engage with customers. As organizations explore new ways to expand and enhance their digital communications they need solutions that are simple and accessible. Companies want both the ease of a managed service, as well as the comprehensive tools they need to connect with customers. For many that means starting with 统一通信 as a Service (UCaaS) within their company. Then, with Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS), companies can integrate communications into whatever systems they are currently using—including their web and mobile applications.

Many companies will start with Instant Messaging (IM). However, the standard IM and voice, or video often aren’t sufficient. CPaaS解决方案,例如 阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™, can provide services specifically defined for each company. 举个例子, 员工有一个具体的问题, they can check to see who’s available to provide the quickest response. If they need to get information for a customer, they can locate it directly from a database. With Rainbow, companies can provide services automatically, 或者把某人联系到正确的人, first time, every time. CPaaS integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI), bots, analytics, 之前的通讯, 在客户体验期间和之后.

Technology, however, is just a part of the solution. Before you head down any digital engagement path you should understand the challenges that need to be addressed. The keys to success in creating really great digital engagement include executing a successful proof of concept; testing the solution; and ultimately, delivering the customer experience that people expect.

连接对象时, people, 使用CPaaS的服务可能看起来很复杂, our goal at ALE, 是为了让事情变得简单. For example, a proof of concept can be tested with end-users in only a few days. We believe that successful digital engagement is an ongoing journey of discovery. That means feedback and analytics to continually improve services. 虽然集成api很简单, you still need to understand the analytics and the feedback to deliver a really great experience.

Organizations need to engage faster with citizens, customers, students, patients, and travelers. And, they need to stay connected even after the services have been delivered. We’re working to make digital engagement as easy as possible. Discover how Rainbow can provide differentiation and privacy, and deliver a great customer experience.



Senior Director, Head of Communications Vertical Solutions, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Jacques is Senior Director, Head of Communications Vertical Solutions at ALE. He is responsible for creating digital solutions to address needs in Education, Government, Healthcare, and Hospitality, as well as content creation to support sales. Jacques is a graduate of Telecom ParisTech, France.


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