热情好客 2020: A safer environment with improved security

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Technology can deliver a safe and secure environment for travelers, 客人, and employees and help reinvigorate the hospitality industry.

正如我们在之前的博客中提到的 重塑酒店业, providing a safe and secure environment will be essential to the industry’s re-opening.

是否符合当地法规, 或者是酒店经营者的决定, as we emerge from the 2020 health crisis the hospitality industry will need to implement security measures to create a safe environment for travelers, 客人和工作人员. 以及严格和定期的消毒程序, we will no doubt become familiar with new devices and procedures, 比如热像仪, 面部识别应用, 酒店大堂的容量控制系统.


阿尔卡特朗讯企业版 数字时代网络 solution supports deployment and integration of the technology the hospitality industry needs to prevent cybersecurity breaches and ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone. 作为数字时代网络的关键支柱, 物联网数字业务 provides automatic and secure onboarding and management of  物联网 devices such as the IP cameras required by security systems. 另外, ALE network interoperability along with API openness capabilities provides easy integration with all types of third party solutions to create a rich 生态系统 在网络基础设施中的垂直解决方案. 我们的合伙人就是一个例子 Zoox技术, who in addition to offering a smart Wi-Fi captive portal and analytics, offers an innovative facial recognition solution enabling faster and safer access to physical spaces. As well, Mobotix thermal imaging cameras have recently been added to the ALE partner 生态系统.

其他更传统的安全系统, 比如视频监控, are likely to expand as well in the face of the global health crisis. In addition to improving security and deterring criminal activity, the presence of video surveillance also can help make people more aware about maintaining social distances and avoiding crowding, as well as improve security personnel response times in dangerous situations.


ALE networks provide state-of-the-art network standards, UDP IP多播 协议和最短路径桥接, to ensure the best performance and quality for video surveillance deployments. SPB with minimal convergence time (sub-100 milliseconds) is the technology of choice for video deployments to ensure consistent and high video quality, 即使在网络中断的情况下. To guarantee the necessary bandwidth and network resources, the ALE网络组合 includes high-performance network switches that provide high port density and switching capacity. 在视频监控领域, ALE networks have demonstrated excellent performance in real field deployments with expert video partners, 例如北美的BCDVideo.

While video surveillance delivers both passive and reactive security, location services can provide the intelligence required to engage more proactively. Until now one of the main benefits of indoor location services has been providing analytics about the movement of people that could be used to improve marketing plans and grow businesses. 今天,这些分析提供了新的, significant value in the design of effective mobility and emergency planning.

As part of the network solution offering ALE provides indoor location-based services, under the 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess®恒星定位服务 (磅)的投资组合. 适合客流量大的接待企业, 比如赌场, 购物中心, 会议中心, 博物馆和体育中心, OmniAccess Stellar LBS analytics can collect relevant information for the design of secure mobility plans. This includes the number of visitors per hour of the day and day of the week, or the average duration of visit per building or per logical zone. These metrics provide key information about peak hours and frequented areas.


所有这些安全解决方案, from the most innovative thermal imaging cameras and facial recognition, 到新兴的基于位置的服务, as well as traditional video surveillance will ensure a safer environment, helping hotels and other hospitality related services to reinvigorate business, 重新吸引客户,保持竞争优势.

Take a deeper look at what the hospitality industry will need to do to 重新设计客人的旅程 在我们的下一篇博客中.

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安娜马塔 joined Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in 2008 and has developed several roles in the company since then.

She is currently 网络解决方案全球业务线经理, focused on the sales enablement and evolution of different network product lines, 包括无线局域网, SASE和SD-WAN以及基于云的网络管理.

Ana has previous experience in the Government and 热情好客 industries, 支持ALE的垂直转型.

She holds a degree in Mathematics BSc from the Complutense University of Madrid, followed by a postgraduate master from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.




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