Smart mobility enabled by MaaS: The breath of the smart city


Smart mobility is critical to the smart city and plays an important role in sustainability. ALE技术正在帮助城市实现这些目标.

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Urban transport is fundamental to the function of every major city. 当一个进化时,另一个也会进化. That said, t在这里 are no smart cities without smart mobility.

Improve service and reduce pollution: Difficult but not impossible

根据2020年联合国的一份报告, by 2050, 68% of the world’s population is projected to live in urban areas . 另外, a report from the European Commission indicates that urban mobility accounts for 40% of all CO2 road transportation emissions.

解决城市地区的人口激增问题, cities must manage people density and improve transportation 服务. This means implementing new transportation options that offer alternate traffic flows, and provide real-time information to optimise users journey’s by helping them to select the right transportation mode to ensure a fast, 高效的交通.

The second part of the challenge will require sustainability and environmental solutions including the development of new virtuous transport systems to reduce carbon footprints, 减少污染, 改善空气质量.


Smart urban mobility is essential for smart city evolution. 事实上,智能交通是现代城市的气息. It is a critical to the successful economical function of the city and it plays an important role in sustainability.

As smart cities search for new transport solutions to meet their objectives of reducing accidents, 拥堵和延误, 和污染, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) provides an opportunity for smart cities to take a step in the right direction.

MaaS offers multimodal/intermodal transport solutions that group options such as public and private transport solutions; for example, 软/ micro-mobility, 车, 拼车实现高效的门到门旅行, 优化行程, and providing the right transport option for a problem-free commute.

Connected technology and digital transformation make smart city evolution possible by integrating real-time information and communications technologies, enabling the Internet of Things (物联网) to automate 流程. 有了这些技术, cities can engage and communicate with commuters to provide real-time information. Technology can also reinforce collaboration between stakeholders, 比如服务提供商, 以及运输运营商和当局, to enhance the efficiency and performance of 服务 while introducing innovation and new uses.


Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) technology and 服务 offer the right communications and network solutions to interconnect business 流程, 设备, 和用户.

ALE solutions enable MaaS and smart mobility in several ways. They provide the connection layer between applications from different providers, 服务, 设备, 流程, 和用户. 也, the data network is essential to transport and secure information and provide advanced 服务 using the 无线网络 基础设施.

通信服务 比如语音和视频会话, 短信, file sharing and notifications can be integrated into the ecosystem through api. And applications and 设备 can provide real-time interactions and enable call to actions from the MaaS providers’ mobility applications.

定位服务(LBS),资产跟踪,地理定位基于 无线网络 基础设施, 与物联网互联, ALE解决方案收集正确的信息, and transport accurate data throughout the process to make it available to the right stakeholder.

对于MaaS来说,电子机票或智能机票至关重要. The ALE LBS and Asset Tracking solutions can be implemented to provide passenger tracking with Be-in/Be-out from the transportation system. The Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) beacons deployed at the bus stations, 地铁/火车站, 在公共汽车/地铁/火车上, 或者终端用户的移动应用程序, will send the beacon/passenger ID to the back-end platform to calculate the end-to-end trip with the right fare. 请查看“Implitick应用视频, 与斯特拉斯堡大学共同开发, to discover how LBS can be integrated into a MaaS application for account-based ticketing to offer a seamless multimodal journey.

The success of smart mobility and smart cities is dependent on connectivity, 数字化, 以及实时通信和协作. These elements will enhance smart mobility to help smart cities achieve their goals to achieve less pollution, 更少的交通堵塞, 提高可持续性.

了解更多关于 阿尔卡特朗讯企业运输解决方案.




恩里克, 交通解决方案营销, 谁负责解决方案的创建, value propositions and content to address the different transportation sectors such as 铁路, ATI, 智能交通系统,港口和物流, 支持全球ALE销售团队. He has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunication industry working on the enterprise market. 恩里克 was part of the International Central Presales team providing support to sales and presales teams worldwide with a strong knowledge on end-to-end solutions, 网络VoIP设计, UCC和UCaaS解决方案.




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