
Heitor Faroni

的 hype surrounding the potential of 物联网 shows no sign of subsiding, and now it's morphing from a smart concept to reality - investment bank Goldman Sachs cites 物联网 as a $7tn opportunity by 2020.

的 'smarts' are now on parade: smart cities with their smart grids, 智能交通系统, all demonstrate the benefits of machine to machine (M2M) connectivity.

Consistent connectivity is critical to how effectively these devices perform, and this connectivity relies on having the right network infrastructure in place. As ALE has already been involved with the communications and networking backbone of 印度古吉拉特邦国际金融科技城,或 曼谷市政府, 从根本上实现物联网的智慧城市, our team is knowledgeable of essential network requirements for 物联网 readiness.

从他们的专家建议中,我们去掉了 四个关键网络需求 让城市, their communities and businesses to take full advantage of the transformations that the 物联网 will drive:

1. 扩展你的网络可见性

的 sprawling nature of 物联网 requires comprehensive management of the entire network, 有线和无线, 一直到边缘, as devices - smart and not so smart - seek access and transfer data to core network components. 的 exponential growth of connected devices and sensors transmitting data can be overwhelming, 造成网络瓶颈, 并影响性能.

An intelligent network needs to extend functionality 一直到边缘, so data can be partially analysed and processed before any information is sent to a centralized system. This improves the scalability and the response time for any network enforcement. 例如, switches at the edge of the network will need to offer enhanced security and integrated analytics in order to manage the increased flow of 物联网 traffic.


2. 整合是关键

It is virtually impossible for a network that has been installed and upgraded on an ad-hoc basis - often with a separate solution for voice, data, 有线和无线——实现物联网的承诺. 

A single converged network is fundamental to an 物联网 environment and guarantees a greater level of interoperability and support for 物联网 applications and devices. 统一管理的融合网络 提供成本节约, 操作简化, 并在各地执行一致的政策, 哪些是成功部署物联网所必需的. Convergence will enhance mobility across 有线和无线 networks, 在网络的任何地方提供流畅的用户体验.


3. 更好的洞察力有助于更明智的决策

物联网 brings an additional level of complexity to a network infrastructure that has already seen a tremendous increase in connected user devices and the utilization of new applications with unknown behaviors. 预测分析和报告功能 are vital in enabling cties to use big data and enable proactive, data-driven, decision-making. Analysis of traffic behaviour in the form of reports or KPIs can also provide valuable insights on how network 操作 can be further optimized.

This can be as simple as automatically prioritising 物联网 data traffic, determining whether a new 物联网 based service being rolled out will exceed current network capacity, 或者学习每周四下午的R&D department needs extra bandwidth to support its data heavy processes.

4. 保护智能和非智能设备

Poorly secured 'smart' devices such as smart watches or activity trackers, 还有传统的“哑巴”设备,比如门锁, 对基本网络安全构成威胁. Monitoring and controlling the flow of packets to and from 物联网 devices and correlating with the applications they are supposed to interface with can guarantee a better security.


物联网 offers the chance for public and private organizations to deliver innovative applications and services. 支持数百万个端点的部署, 它可以提供实时洞察,帮助他们捕获, 理解并更有效地利用设备数据. 但它也将带来新的挑战和期望. 这就是为什么 物联网整体方法 是必要的.

成功支持物联网的关键是一个融合的网络 supported by state of the art switches that enable cities and organizations to remotely manage, 监控和保护所有设备, giving IT departments an in-depth intelligence to make smarter decisions. Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss, if you agree or have a different view. 我欢迎大家的讨论!

Heitor Faroni

Heitor Faroni

Solution Marketing in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Network Business

Prior to this he was responsible for the creation of the Enterprise NA Bids & 提案团队. 阿尔卡特-朗讯之前, Heitor held the positions of Director of Strategic Initiatives and Vice President of 产品 Sales at Verso Technologies doing business development and defining go-to market strategy for GSM backhaul solutions.

Heitor also worked for high-tech start-ups including Clarent Corporation and ACT Networks were he held the position of Director of Sales Engineering for Latin America providing solutions such as softswitches, 应用程序服务器, VoIP网关, 路由器, multimedia convergence over WAN protocols and satellite communications.

在他的职业生涯中,他做了大量的软件R&D providing a great combination of technical background and strong business acumen. Heitor holds a BS in Computer Science from the Brazilian University of Campinas (UNICAMP).





Navigate challenges and opportunities with a proactive business intelligence strategy and commitment to a sustainable future.



一个风险, 弹性, 以公民为中心的安全框架, 操作, 智能建筑和流程解决了当今的风险.



一个全面的视频监控系统战略是必不可少的. 测绘设备需求,数据需求,功能是关键.



Data networking and security are key to address the challenges and threats of today’s evolving digital networking landscape.

标签- 运输, 物联网, 政府
