Transform your passenger’s journey with digital engagement

January 31, 2019

Digital engagement transforms passenger journeys from a ‘disconnected’ experience to a ‘connected’ experience and satisfies expectations every step of the way.

A happy customer is a repeat customer. A seamless passenger journey that links travelers with airports and airlines from booking travel, to arrival at the final destination is vital. Today’s foray into the world of travel is not for the faint of heart. It typically includes travel to the airport, navigation through the airport, security checks, boarding the plane, waiting in line at baggage claim, and may even continue after arrival. A disruptive journey that leaves passengers feeling less than satisfied could mean the end of that customer relationship.

Digital transformation, 然而, is creating new opportunities, through ‘service innovation’, to create a connected travel experience.

People in airport using mobile apps for blog post

Travelers want control

According to a recent IATA Global Passenger survey, travelers are most satisfied when they have personal control over their airport experience. They want to do things for themselves. Self-service applications such as booking, 办理登机手续, and baggage-tagging and drop-off, provide the autonomy they desire.

Mobile applications that provide self-service options are essential for airports and airlines to offer new services and improve their business. Passengers who use a mobile device or self-service kiosk can reduce the time it takes to move along their journey, compared to those who choose face-to-face interactions.

Keeping passengers connected and informed is vital. Location-based services and up-to-date information such as flight status, find my gate and baggage collection are essential to deliver a positive airport experience.

Woman walking in airport looking at mobile for blog post

Technology is changing the journey

解决方案 based on Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), and Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS), provide collaboration services and real-time communications such as messaging, 的声音, collaboration and video. They also allow operators to deliver scheduling updates, re-book flights in case of delay or service disruptions, provide real-time interaction with the staff, as well as dispatch emergency notifications. All of this can be delivered through a single phone app. CPaaS can also leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions such as, 机器人, chat 机器人 and Information Systems Databases to offer innovative and up-to-date services.

Learn more about how ALE transportation solutions for airports can provide the building blocks to ensure a successful, connected passenger experience, or check out ‘Fast Forward', our e-zine for 21st century transportation.



Director, Vertical Sales Transportation and Hospitality, EUNO, ALE

In 2017 Kelly joined ALE as Director of Vertical Sales, Transportation and Hospitality. With more than twenty years of experience in the IT & Telecom industries, and a specialization in Transportation, Kelly is spearheading the ALE vertical strategy for sector specific networking and communications solutions. The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise technology portfolio of hardened, 物联网-ready network components provides the solutions transportation operators require as they transition to Intelligent Transportation Systems.

About the author

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